590 Proverbs about Head / Page 16
301. The lack of gold only a headache.
302. The mud that you throw will fall on your own head.
303. You can't put an old head on young shoulders.
304. The blind man is laughing at the bald head.
305. The doctor must heal his own bald head.
306. Water is muddy at the fountainhead.
307. The water has passed his head.
308. Don't be afraid of he who's loud and noisy, be afraid of he who's head is down.
309. If everybody said bread and cheese, you put your head down and die.
310. If you walk with your feet your shoe will get worn, if you walk with your head, your hat.
311. Get along with the village headman, plunder the village.
312. He that is baldheaded has no need of combs.
313. I gave him a staff for his support and he uses it to break my head.
314. Pull someone by the ears and his head will follow.
315. The crab instructs its young: "Walk straight ahead -- like me."
316. The nose didn't smell the rotting head.
317. Hard heads suffer much.
318. If you would get ahead, be a bridge.
319. Death considers not the fairest forehead.
320. Why didn't the midwife, who cut your naval string, cut your head instead?
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