834 Proverbs about Hand / Page 32
621. It is inexcusable to have remained long away, and return empty-handed.
622. Let not your right hand know what your left hand doeth.
623. Music is the handmaid of divinity.
624. Novelty always appears handsome.
625. Offer not the right hand of friendship to every one.
626. Once a handmaid never a lady.
627. One bird in the hand is worth four in the air.
628. The evil is lessened when it is seen beforehand.
629. The hand often travels to the part where the pain is.
630. The hand that gives gathers.
631. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
632. Trust not a sword in the hands of a boy.
633. With one hand he scratches you, and with the other he strikes you.
634. One hand washes the other.
635. Many hands make light work.
636. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
637. Clapping with the right hand only will not produce a noise.
638. As long as you happen to put your hand in a container full of pickles, might as well dip your whole arm in the container.
639. A handful of dust, four capitals and shit on all i possessed.
640. You have to kiss a lot of toads before you find a handsome prince.
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