988 Proverbs about Give / Page 44
861. If you want to give God a good laugh, tell him of your future plans.
862. The bone given to you by the king is meat.
863. Given counsel is all the same hard to take.
864. You can give a piece of advice, but not good luck along with that.
865. The empty gives the way to the full.
866. All we can hold in our cold dead hands is what we have given away.
867. A given Horse should not be lookt in the teeth.
868. A fool may give a wise man a counsell.
869. All wald have all, all wald forgive.
870. A fool will not give his Bauble for the Tower of London.
871. A hearty hand to give a hungry meltith.
872. Better give nor take.
873. Better apple given nor eaten.
874. Give never the Wolf the Wedder to keep.
875. He that takes all his geir fra himself, and gives it to his bairns, it were weil ward to take a mell and knock out his hairns.
876. It that God will give, the Devil cannot reave.
877. She that takes gifts her self, she sels; and she that gives, does nought else.
878. Sike answer as a man gives, sike will he get.
879. The thing that is fristed, is not forgiven.
880. What you give to others bears fruit for yourself.
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