988 Proverbs about Give / Page 42
821. It is no sin to sell dear, but a sin to give ill measure.
822. The healthful man can give counsel to the sick.
823. Give credit where credit is due.
824. Riches take away more pleasures than they give.
825. To be good tends to give absence later on.
826. People give, but don't be in a hurry to take.
827. God forgives the sin of gluttony.
828. Hands that give also receive.
829. The strong forgive, the weak remember.
830. The eyeless ant asked God: Give me eye-lashes.
831. The eyeless ant asked God: Give me eye-lashes.
832. Give a blind man eyes and he will ask for eyebrows.
833. If you forgive the fox for stealing your chickens, he will take your sheep.
834. If you give a man nuts then give him something to crack them with.
835. The eyeless ant asked God: Give me eye-lashes.
836. The witch kills "he ate and he did not give me", but she does not kill, "he gave me too little."
837. When love is given, love should be returned, anger gives no life.
838. The big game often appears when the hunter has given up the hunt for the day.
839. A guest should not cause his host's demise. When the guest is ready to leave, his host should not have given him a hunch-back.
840. What gives the child the itch has already given him the fingernails for scratching it.
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