988 Proverbs about Give / Page 26
501. Poverty is a sin that the rich never forgive.
502. Tell God the truth, but give money to the judge.
503. The moon gives us light but no heat.
504. There are two kinds of Chinese: those who give wine and those who drink it.
505. You must chop down the tree that gives too much or too little shade.
506. Small children give you headache; big children give you heartache.
507. Everyone loves the tree that gives him shelter.
508. There are only two types of Chinese -- those who give bribes and those who take them.
509. The great spirit is not perfect: it has a good side and a bad side. sometimes the bad side gives us more knowledge than the good side.
510. Hope may give a man strength, but not sense.
511. Give me, Lord, my daily bread, I will get my own brandy.
512. If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people he gives it to.
513. Lend everyone your ears, give a hand to your friends but give your lips only to a woman.
514. Men will give away their last shirt to become millionaires.
515. Parents can give their children everything except good luck.
516. What can you do with a good cow that gives a lot of milk and then kicks the bucket over?
517. When a father gives to his son, they both laugh.
518. When a son gives to his father, they both weep.
519. Parents can give everything but common sense.
520. If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Him your plans.
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