World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

420 Proverbs about Gets / Page 15

281. The early bird gets the worm.. Polish Proverb. The early bird gets the worm.
Polish Proverb

282. He who doesn't look ahead gets left behind.. Venezuelan Proverb. He who doesn't look ahead gets left behind.
Venezuelan Proverb

283. He who gets drenched at dawn has the rest of the day to dry out.. Mexican Proverb. He who gets drenched at dawn has the rest of the day to dry out.
Mexican Proverb

284. Who wakes up early gets the God's help.. Mexican Proverb. Who wakes up early gets the God's help.
Mexican Proverb

285. An altercation is like buttermilk -- the more you stir it, the sourer it gets.. Bolivian Proverb. An altercation is like buttermilk -- the more you stir it, the sourer it gets.
Bolivian Proverb

286. A chicken gets a gem.. Thai Proverb. A chicken gets a gem.
Thai Proverb

287. Sleeping shrimp gets taken by the current.. Puerto Rican Proverb. Sleeping shrimp gets taken by the current.
Puerto Rican Proverb

288. The more you add, the worse it gets.. Hebrew Proverb. The more you add, the worse it gets.
Hebrew Proverb

289. A henpecked husband gets no support during a lawsuit.. Hebrew Proverb. A henpecked husband gets no support during a lawsuit.
Hebrew Proverb

290. When the wise man gets angry, he stops being wise.. Hebrew Proverb. When the wise man gets angry, he stops being wise.
Hebrew Proverb

291. Love forgets dignity.. Hebrew Proverb. Love forgets dignity.
Hebrew Proverb

292. The person who gets stuck on trivial prosperity will not attain great prosperity.. Tibetan Proverb. The person who gets stuck on trivial prosperity will not attain great prosperity.
Tibetan Proverb

293. If the master gets drunk it is an honorable drunkenness; if the servant does it is evidence of his mean disposition.. Tibetan Proverb. If the master gets drunk it is an honorable drunkenness; if the servant does it is evidence of his mean disposition.
Tibetan Proverb

294. The moon grows darker as it gets nearer to the sun.. Tibetan Proverb. The moon grows darker as it gets nearer to the sun.
Tibetan Proverb

295. A bad reaper never gets a good sickle.. Gaelic Proverb. A bad reaper never gets a good sickle.
Gaelic Proverb

296. The frog forgets that he was once a tadpole.. Korean Proverb. The frog forgets that he was once a tadpole.
Korean Proverb

297. The matchmaker gets three cups of wine when he succeeds and three slaps on the cheek when he fails.. Korean Proverb. The matchmaker gets three cups of wine when he succeeds and three slaps on the cheek when he fails.
Korean Proverb

298. A dog that barks all the time gets little attention.. Argentinean Proverb. A dog that barks all the time gets little attention.
Argentinean Proverb

299. A mule can swim seven different strokes but the moment he sees the water he forgets them all.. Armenian Proverb. A mule can swim seven different strokes but the moment he sees the water he forgets them all.
Armenian Proverb

300. Advice is a free gift that can become expensive for the one who gets it.. Armenian Proverb. Advice is a free gift that can become expensive for the one who gets it.
Armenian Proverb

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