World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

420 Proverbs about Gets / Page 13

241. He loves well who never forgets.. Portuguese Proverb. He loves well who never forgets.
Portuguese Proverb

242. Where the wolf gets one lamb he looks for another.. Portuguese Proverb. Where the wolf gets one lamb he looks for another.
Portuguese Proverb

243. God heals, and the doctor gets the money.. Portuguese Proverb. God heals, and the doctor gets the money.
Portuguese Proverb

244. He is your friend who gets you out of a scrape.. Portuguese Proverb. He is your friend who gets you out of a scrape.
Portuguese Proverb

245. He keeps his road well enough who gets rid of bad company.. Portuguese Proverb. He keeps his road well enough who gets rid of bad company.
Portuguese Proverb

246. Ill befal the belly that forgets eaten bread.. Portuguese Proverb. Ill befal the belly that forgets eaten bread.
Portuguese Proverb

247. It's when it's small that the cucumber gets warped.. Portuguese Proverb. It's when it's small that the cucumber gets warped.
Portuguese Proverb

248. Running by one's will never gets tired.. Portuguese Proverb. Running by one's will never gets tired.
Portuguese Proverb

249. A problem is solved when it gets tougher.. Arabic Proverb. A problem is solved when it gets tougher.
Arabic Proverb

250. The one without a sword gets humiliated.. Arabic Proverb. The one without a sword gets humiliated.
Arabic Proverb

251. He whose ace gets cut on, gets his underpants off. When you cut, cut high. The Third Hand is the highest hand.. Arabic Proverb. He whose ace gets cut on, gets his underpants off. When you cut, cut high. The Third Hand is the highest hand.
Arabic Proverb

252. He who drinks on credit, gets drunk twice.. Serbian proverb. He who drinks on credit, gets drunk twice.
Serbian Proverb

253. The one who has helped others climb the ladder gets kicked in the teeth.. Swahili proverb. The one who has helped others climb the ladder gets kicked in the teeth.
Swahili Proverb

254. An elephant hunter usually gets killed by an elephant.. Swahili proverb. An elephant hunter usually gets killed by an elephant.
Swahili Proverb

255. A handsome finger gets the ring.. Swahili proverb. A handsome finger gets the ring.
Swahili Proverb

256. When a poor man gets something he boasts of his new wealth.. Swahili proverb. When a poor man gets something he boasts of his new wealth.
Swahili Proverb

257. He who eats bitter things gets sweet things too.. Swahili proverb. He who eats bitter things gets sweet things too.
Swahili Proverb

258. Fire does not beget fire in the end it begets ashes.. Swahili proverb. Fire does not beget fire in the end it begets ashes.
Swahili Proverb

259. One who has been bitten by a snake, when he sees grass he he gets afraid.. Swahili proverb. One who has been bitten by a snake, when he sees grass he he gets afraid.
Swahili Proverb

260. When a bull gets his leg broken, he is sure to go back to his yard.. Swahili proverb. When a bull gets his leg broken, he is sure to go back to his yard.
Swahili Proverb

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