489 Proverbs about Gain / Page 2
21. Where water has been, water will come again.
22. Every lion has to defend himself against flies.
23. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
24. Set hard heart against hard hap.
25. Good bargains empty the purse.
26. A bargain is a bargain.
27. Even the lion has to defend himself against flies.
28. Forever is a long bargain.
29. Good bargains empty your pockets.
30. He who cries today that he has no bread will cry again tomorrow because he isn't hungry.
31. He who does not want to lend loses friends; he who lends gains enemies.
32. Old age is no protection against foolishness.
33. The praise of a thousand jesters counts for nothing against the reprimand of one wise man.
34. Two is an army against one.
35. Gain from your opponents without sacrificing your own strength.
36. Fallen blossoms do not return to branches; a broken mirror does not again reflect.
37. A faithful wife does not marry again.
38. The more you eat, the more you gain.
39. Life is the biggest bargain. We get it for nothing.
40. Against stupidity; God Himself is helpless.
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