532 Proverbs about Friends / Page 18
341. Keep your friendship in repair.
342. Make new friends but keep the old.
343. Many friends, few helpers.
344. No friendship can survive the gift of gold.
345. Old friends are the best, but new ones are the most fun.
346. Pay your debts or lose your friends.
347. Real friendship is a slow grower.
348. The best way to keep friends is not to give them away.
349. The man who loves to argue is left without friends.
350. There are many kinds of fruit that grow on the tree of life, but none so sweet as friendship.
351. Those who betray their friends must not expect others to keep faith with them.
352. Three --- friends: an old wife, an old dog, and ready money.
353. True friends never polish each other.
354. When you buy friends with anything other than friendship, they do not stay bought long.
355. You may choose your friends; your family is thrust upon you.
356. Old truths, old laws, old friends, old books, and old wine are best.
357. True friendship is one soul shared by two bodies.
358. It's easier to know your enemies than to know your friends.
359. Friendship likes distance.
360. I learned much from my teachers, more from my friends, and the most from my pupils.
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