World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1107 Proverbs about Friend / Page 36

701. Never drop the friends you made on the way up. You may need them on the way down.. American Proverb. Never drop the friends you made on the way up. You may need them on the way down.
American Proverb

702. True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare; false ones like autumn leaves, found everywhere.. American Proverb. True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare; false ones like autumn leaves, found everywhere.
American Proverb

703. A brother may not be a friend . . . .. American Proverb. A brother may not be a friend . . . .
American Proverb

704. A dead enemy is as good as a cold friend.. American Proverb. A dead enemy is as good as a cold friend.
American Proverb

705. A fool has few friends.. American Proverb. A fool has few friends.
American Proverb

706. A friend is easier lost than found.. American Proverb. A friend is easier lost than found.
American Proverb

707. A man is known by his friends.. American Proverb. A man is known by his friends.
American Proverb

708. Adversity has no friends.. American Proverb. Adversity has no friends.
American Proverb

709. An old friend wears well.. American Proverb. An old friend wears well.
American Proverb

710. Be civil to every man; you know not who may prove to be your friend.. American Proverb. Be civil to every man; you know not who may prove to be your friend.
American Proverb

711. Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him.. American Proverb. Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him.
American Proverb

712. Better lose a jest than a friend.. American Proverb. Better lose a jest than a friend.
American Proverb

713. Bought friends are not friends indeed.. American Proverb. Bought friends are not friends indeed.
American Proverb

714. Candour will lose you some friends, but not as many as deceit.. American Proverb. Candour will lose you some friends, but not as many as deceit.
American Proverb

715. Choose you friends like your books: few but choice.. American Proverb. Choose you friends like your books: few but choice.
American Proverb

716. Cultivate friends who pray for you, not prey upon you.. American Proverb. Cultivate friends who pray for you, not prey upon you.
American Proverb

717. Equals make the best friends.. American Proverb. Equals make the best friends.
American Proverb

718. Every man's your enemy till he proves your friend.. American Proverb. Every man's your enemy till he proves your friend.
American Proverb

719. Fall not out with a friend for a trifle.. American Proverb. Fall not out with a friend for a trifle.
American Proverb

720. Fortune makes friends; misfortune tries them.. American Proverb. Fortune makes friends; misfortune tries them.
American Proverb

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