World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

265 Proverbs about Father / Page 10

181. A bad father has never a good son.. Latin Proverb. A bad father has never a good son.
Latin Proverb

182. Happy is the man whose father went to the devil.. Latin Proverb. Happy is the man whose father went to the devil.
Latin Proverb

183. He does not sing his father's songs.. Latin Proverb. He does not sing his father's songs.
Latin Proverb

184. He is a fool who spares the children after having killed the father.. Latin Proverb. He is a fool who spares the children after having killed the father.
Latin Proverb

185. Once a buffoon, never a good father of a family.. Latin Proverb. Once a buffoon, never a good father of a family.
Latin Proverb

186. You are his father by nature, I by counsel.. Latin Proverb. You are his father by nature, I by counsel.
Latin Proverb

187. Tell me who your father is, and I'll tell you who you are.. Filipino Proverb. Tell me who your father is, and I'll tell you who you are.
Filipino Proverb

188. Marry a child of the devil and you're going to have problems with your father-in-law.. Puritan Proverb. Marry a child of the devil and you're going to have problems with your father-in-law.
Puritan Proverb

189. Like father, like son.. Romanian Proverb. Like father, like son.
Romanian Proverb

190. Time is the father of truth.. Romanian Proverb. Time is the father of truth.
Romanian Proverb

191. After a thrifty father, a prodigal son.. Romanian Proverb. After a thrifty father, a prodigal son.
Romanian Proverb

192. Like father, like son; like mother like daughter.. Romanian Proverb. Like father, like son; like mother like daughter.
Romanian Proverb

193. The father buys, the son bigs, the grandchild sells, and his son begs.. Romanian Proverb. The father buys, the son bigs, the grandchild sells, and his son begs.
Romanian Proverb

194. One father can support ten children; ten children cannot support one father.. Romanian Proverb. One father can support ten children; ten children cannot support one father.
Romanian Proverb

195. The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.. Romanian Proverb. The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.
Romanian Proverb

196. One father is enough to govern one hundred sons, but not a hundred sons one father.. Romanian Proverb. One father is enough to govern one hundred sons, but not a hundred sons one father.
Romanian Proverb

197. When the father has eaten too much salt in his lifetime, then his son thereafter will have a great thirst.. Vietnamese Proverb. When the father has eaten too much salt in his lifetime, then his son thereafter will have a great thirst.
Vietnamese Proverb

198. Many a good father has but a bad son.. Vietnamese Proverb. Many a good father has but a bad son.
Vietnamese Proverb

199. A stammerer would eventually say father.. Yoruba Proverb. A stammerer would eventually say father.
Yoruba Proverb

200. Covetousness is the father of unfulfilled desires.. Yoruba Proverb. Covetousness is the father of unfulfilled desires.
Yoruba Proverb

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