743 Proverbs about Evil / Page 35
681. Words are but winde, but dunts are the Devill.
682. Ye have a face to God, and another to the Devil.
683. Ye would doe little for God, and the Devil were dead.
684. Even the devil needs a friend.
685. A lazy man is the devils handyman.
686. Do no evil, it's a sin. Do no good, it's no use.
687. The devil can make a pot but he can't make a lid.
688. A big log is a shame to the fire, an evil person is a shame to the house.
689. The betrothed of good is evil; the betrothed of life is death; the betrothed of love is divorce.
690. Even the devil slaves for the fortunate.
691. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.
692. The good that follows evil is more appreciated.
693. If you wish someone evil, give him a horse, and if you wish him more evil, give him two horses.
694. Seek goodness and expect evil.
695. When there's a clear horizon in winter, there'll be the devil to pay.
696. The devil laughs when the poor donates to the rich.
697. If you close the door, the devil will turn his back on you.
698. The devil knows a lot because he's old.
699. God save us from evil neighbors and from the indignation of the upright.
700. God made things straight, the devil came and twisted them.
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