743 Proverbs about Evil / Page 22
421. Give the devil your little finger, you will be taken entirely.
422. Sometimes one has to light a candle for the devil too.
423. He owed the devil a journey.
424. He is good, only the devils are bad, for not carrying him away.
425. It is not good to paint the devil on the wall.
426. His eyes are beautiful, but his heart is a devil.
427. His words are nice but he is a devil.
428. I have two masters -- God and the devil; I work for the devil until lunch then I follow the Lord.
429. Neither money nor the devil can remain in peace.
430. A witch-wife and an evil is three-halfpence worse than the devil.
431. Better a distant good than a near evil.
432. From a closed door the devil turns away.
433. I see by my daughter's face when the devil lays hold of my son-in-law.
434. Money is the root of all evil.
435. Of evils, choose the least.
436. Rosary is hand, the devil at heart.
437. The devil is not so ugly as he is painted.
438. The wrath of brothers is the wrath of devils.
439. Man is fire, woman is tow, and the devil comes and blows.
440. The father a saint the son a devil.
Quotes related to Evil by Power Quotations