743 Proverbs about Evil / Page 15
281. A woman can beat the devil.
282. Don't bid the devil good day till you meet him.
283. Tell the truth and shame the devil.
284. There is no thing wickeder than a woman of evil temper.
285. Tell the truth and shame the Devil.
286. Life is like a game in which God shuffles the cards, the devil deals them and we have to play the trumps.
287. Whoever speaks evil to you of others will speak evil of you to others.
288. The devil will not bother you in a house full of children.
289. Of evil grain no good seed can come.
290. The devil takes a hand in what is done in haste.
291. The devil tempts all, but the idle man tempts the devil.
292. "If the devil is going to take me," said the courtesan, "let it be in a coach."
293. Beads about the neck, and the devil in the heart.
294. If the devil is going to disguise himself, it will be as a monk or a lawyer.
295. The devil climbs the bell tower in a priest's cassock.
296. The devil hides behind the cross.
297. When war begins the devil makes hell bigger.
298. The devil looks after himself.
299. Evildoers always think the worst of others.
300. Give a thing and take a thing, to wear the devil's gold ring.
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