743 Proverbs about Evil / Page 13
241. God sends us the meat, but it is the Devil who sends us cooks.
242. Gold is the devil's fishhook.
243. Do no evil and have no fear.
244. A customary railer is the devil's bagpipe, which the world danceth after.
245. An evil deed has a witness in the bosom.
246. An evil eye can see no good.
247. An ill-tempered woman is the devil's door-nail.
248. Better is the evil known than the good which is yet to know.
249. Between evil tongues and evil ears, there is nothing to choose.
250. Call not the devil, he will come fast enough unbidden.
251. Evil is soon done, but slowly mended.
252. Evil must be driven out by evil.
253. Evil wastes itself.
254. Falsehood is the Devil's daughter, and speaks her father's tongue.
255. Fortune rarely brings good or evil singly.
256. Give a thing, and take a thing, to wear the devil's gold ring.
257. He loves me as the devil loves holy water.
258. He must be a clever host that would take the devil into his hostelry.
259. He must be ill-favoured who scares the devil.
260. He must cry aloud who would scare the devil.
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