1553 Proverbs about Every / Page 58
1141. Everything comes to him who waits.
1142. Everything is good in its season.
1143. Every block will not make a Mercury.
1144. Every day is holiday with sluggards.
1145. A piece of churchyard fits everybody.
1146. Every man is a king in his own house.
1147. Every man shall bear his own burden.
1148. Patience is a remedy for every grief.
1149. There are black sheep in every flock.
1150. Love does much, money does everything.
1151. There is a scorpion under every stone.
1152. Every man must walk in his own calling.
1153. Let every pedlar carry his own burden.
1154. He who has an art has everywhere a part.
1155. Every man for himself and God for us all.
1156. Every miller draws water to his own mill.
1157. Where gold speaks every tongue is silent.
1158. Don't judge every one by your own measure.
1159. There is a remedy for everything but death.
1160. Every one can find fault; few can do better.
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