1553 Proverbs about Every / Page 54
1061. Old people are everyone's treasures.
1062. One day is as good as two for the person who does everything in its place.
1063. One who thinks that money can do everything is likely to do anything for money.
1064. One who thinks that money can do everything is likely to do anything for money.
1065. Patience is a plant that does not grow in everyone's garden.
1066. Remember that everyone you ever meet is sure to fear something, to love something, and to have lost something.
1067. Remember that everyone you ever meet is sure to fear something, to love something, and to have lost something.
1068. Strength is defeated by a strong strategy. Every road leads somewhere.
1069. Strength is defeated by a strong strategy. Every road leads somewhere.
1070. The center of the universe is everywhere.
1071. The child who is given everything he asks for usually won't succeed in life.
1072. The wind changes every day; a woman changes every second.
1073. There are two sides to every story -- and then there's the truth.
1074. There has to be a first time for everything -- even the most natural habits.
1075. To the person who watches, everything reveals itself.
1076. To truly love your wife, leave her alone every once in a while.
1077. Truth can take you everywhere... including jail.
1078. When everyone takes care of himself, care is taken of all.
1079. When money talks, everyone else is silent.
1080. When the sun rises, it rises for everyone.
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