1049 Proverbs about Even / Page 39
761. Eleven persons take eleven paths.
762. One and one are sometimes eleven.
763. One man can burn water, whereas another cannot even burn oil.
764. One plus one makes eleven.
765. A single log of wood does not burn even in an oven.
766. Rain before seven, fine before eleven.
767. It is good to be taught even by an enemy.
768. An object of pity even to a foe.
769. As to what is future, even a bird with a long neck cannot see it, but God only.
770. By good nature and kindness even fierce spirits become tractable.
771. By repeated blows even the oak is felled.
772. Desire of glory is the last garment that even wise men put off.
773. Enough, even to loathing.
774. Even a boy can beat a man when bound.
775. Even a child may beat a man that's bound.
776. Even a fly can show temper.
777. Even a fool sometimes speaks to the purpose.
778. Even a hair hath its shadow.
779. Even a hare will insult a dead lion.
780. Even a mangy camel will carry more that a herd of asses.
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