766 Proverbs about Ears / Page 27
521. Walls have ears.
522. Children have wide ears and long tongues.
523. A man with two ears can be supported by two words.
524. The tears of the adulteress are ever ready to be shed.
525. Man fears time - Time fears the pyramids.
526. As a thing is viewed, so it appears.
527. It is better to live for one day as a tiger than to live for a thousand years as a sheep.
528. Even the hardest of winters fears the spring.
529. Keep a thing seven years and you'll find a use for it.
530. Power lasts ten years; influence not more than a hundred.
531. There is no flower that lasts ten days and no might lasts ten years.
532. Three years will eradicate even murderous thoughts.
533. When a shield wears out, the framework still remains.
534. If a woman hears that something unusual is going on in heaven, she would find a ladder to go and look.
535. Tears have meaning but only he who sheds them understands.
536. Wealth can give legs to the cripple, beauty to the ugly, and sympathy to tears.
537. Men have three ears: one on the left of the head, one on the right of the head, and one in the heart.
538. Men have three ears: one on the left of the head, one on the right of the head, and one in the heart.
539. A hero only appears once the tiger is dead.
540. The blind person never fears ghosts.
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