766 Proverbs about Ears / Page 23
441. A person can study for seventy years and at the end die a fool.
442. What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul.
443. Who has no intention to pray has no ears for the call to prayer.
444. Who fears the sparrows must not sow millet.
445. Gold that is lent goes away laughing and comes back in tears.
446. Listen with both ears, but speak with only one tongue.
447. The earth has ears, the wind has a voice.
448. A thousand years hence the river will run as it did.
449. Having two ears and one tongue, we should listen twice as much as we speak.
450. He that fears danger in time seldom feels it.
451. He that fears you present will hate you absent.
452. He that speaks, sows; he that hears, reaps.
453. Opportunity bears the thief.
454. It is easy to collect ears of corn under, beside a stack.
455. A scalded dog fears even the rain.
456. He is afraid of it, as the devil fears holy water or incense.
457. One of my eyes sheds tears, the other one laughs.
458. More credit is given to the eyes than to the ears.
459. A hungry belly hears nobody.
460. One year's seeding makes seven years weeding.
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