766 Proverbs about Ears / Page 17
321. A woman's tears are worth a lot, but cost little.
322. Learn from your tears and you will win laughing.
323. Not everyone who wears spurs owns a horse.
324. Patience begins with tears and ends with a smile.
325. The pearls of a bride on her wedding day are the tears that will be shed later.
326. Who has nothing fears nothing.
327. Wine wears no breeches.
328. The sword and the ring according to the hand that bears them.
329. Walnuts and pears you plant for your heirs.
330. Wine wears no mask.
331. A hundred years hence we shall all be bald.
332. A woman's tears and a log's limping are not real.
333. After stuffing pears within, drink old wine until they swim.
334. Good is the fowl which another rears.
335. In less than a thousand years we shall all be bald.
336. May the man be damned and never grow fat, Who wears two faces under one hat.
337. Of the malady a man fears, he dies.
338. Such awkward things will happen as going into the great square and coming back without ears.
339. The account is correct, but not a sixpense appears.
340. The gutter by dropping wears the stone.
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