674 Proverbs about Each / Page 6
101. All women are good Lutherans -- they would rather preach than hear mass.
102. Falling teaches us to walk safely.
103. It is safest to sail within reach of the shore.
104. Teachers die, but books live on.
105. To do nothing teaches evil.
106. It is hard to teach old dogs to bark.
107. A ship on the beach is a lighthouse to the sea.
108. Every one is a preacher under the gallows.
109. It is safest sailing within reach of the shore.
110. The friar preached against stealing when he had a pudding in his sleeve.
111. The monk preached against stealing, and had the good in his larder.
112. The world's a stage; each plays his part, and takes his share.
113. To do nothing teacheth to do evil.
114. Who gives to me, teaches me to give.
115. Not being able to reach it with your hat.
116. Experience teaches fools.
117. He that teaches himself has a fool for his master.
118. Ye canna preach out of your ain poupit.
119. I'll mak a shift, as Macwhid did wi' the preachin'.
120. Put your hand nae farther oot than your sleeve will reach.
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