674 Proverbs about Each / Page 30
581. The young cannot teach tradition to the old.
582. Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee.
583. The doctor comes to the house where the sun can't reach.
584. The morning rainbow reaches the fountains; the evening rainbow fills the sails.
585. If you think you've reached the top, watch out, you can fall just as quickly.
586. When peaches flower and ripen, days and nights have the same length.
587. The braying of donkeys doesn't reach heaven.
588. March cold reaches even bull's horns.
589. Seamen learn to get to know each other during a storm.
590. Mutual affection is when each gives his share.
591. Crabs teach their offspring to walk straight.
592. Don't teach the tiger cub to eat meat.
593. Each country's customs are different, just as each meadow's grass is different.
594. Witch doctors do not sell their potions to each other.
595. A cat will teach her young ones all the tricks, except how to jump backwards.
596. The barking of dogs does not reach heaven.
597. It's a great advantage to love someone in your neighborhood: you see each other often and you don't have to travel.
598. The priest covers the chalice and we must cover each other.
599. Asparagus and mushrooms teach a cook humility.
600. You learn by teaching.
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