674 Proverbs about Each / Page 25
481. It is the duty of friends mutually to correct each other.
482. Let each man do his best.
483. Mules help to scratch each other.
484. No one ever suddenly reached the height of vice.
485. Once in each man's life fortune smiles.
486. Pleasure and pain succeed each other.
487. Teach an eagle to fly, a dolphin to swim.
488. That which is beyond our reach is nothing to us.
489. The fool would teach the learned.
490. They understand each other, like thieves at a fair.
491. Things beyond our reach are not worth our consideration.
492. Treachery will eventually betray itself; though wary enough at first.
493. When a man's mode of life is contemptible, it follows that his preaching is treated with contempt.
494. When hunger is appeased we can preach the merits of fasting.
495. Who aims at things beyond his reach, the greater will be his fall.
496. You are teaching a fish to swim.
497. You are teaching iron to swim.
498. You teach the dolphin to swim.
499. You will learn by teaching.
500. Nothing reaches the intellect before making its appearance in the senses.
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