680 Proverbs about Comes / Page 4
61. Sooner or later the day comes when the tumor can be lanced.
62. The greatest conqueror is he who overcomes the enemy without a blow.
63. While keeping a tiger from the front door, the wolf comes in at the back.
64. With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown.
65. The man who comes with a tale about others has himself an ax to grind.
66. A bar of iron continually ground becomes a needle.
67. After three days without reading, talk becomes flavorless.
68. He comes with incense in one hand, in the other a spear.
69. Illness comes in by mouth; ills come out by it.
70. Losing comes of winning money.
71. The error of one moment becomes the sorrow of a whole life.
72. The man who comes with a talk about others has himself an ax to grind.
73. The pitcher doth not go so often to the well, but it comes home broken at last.
74. The saving man becomes the free man.
75. The weasel comes to say "Happy New Year!" to the chickens.
76. Virtue becomes a wife; beauty becomes a concubine.
77. When the moon is shining the cripple becomes hungry for a walk.
78. It is easy to dodge a spear that comes in front of you but hard to avoid an arrow shot from behind.
79. Living at a river, one comes to know the nature of the fish therein; Dwelling by a mountain, one learns to recognize the language of the birds thereupon.
80. One monk shoulders water by himself; two can still share the labor between them. When it comes to three, they have to go thirsty.
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