150 Proverbs about Cock / Page 5
81. The Blind hen, when it sees again, wants even to mount the cock.
82. My job is to scream, 'cock-a-doodle-doo'; from then on, it may not dawn.
83. My job 'cock-a-doodle-doo'; from then on, it may not dawn.
84. A sparrow in the hand is better than a cock on the roof.
85. Cocks that crow too early will quickly find themselves in the pot.
86. The cock that crows at the wrong time is killed.
87. Every cock is master upon his own dunghill.
88. He turns like a weathercock.
89. A barley corn is better than a diamond to a cock.
90. A good cock was never fat.
91. A servant and a cock must be kept but one year.
92. Every cock is valiant on his own dunghill.
93. Every cock will crow upon his own dunghill.
94. Where the cock is the hen does not crow.
95. Brighter than a peacock.
96. He kills the peacock for the beauty of its feathers.
97. The village cock does not crow in town.
98. Better a handful of dry dates and content therewith than to own the Gate of Peacocks and be kicked in the eye by a broody camel.
99. As the old cock crows, the young cock learns.
100. If you are a cock, crow; if a hen, lay eggs.
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