342 Proverbs about Catch / Page 4
61. A flying crow always catches something.
62. Eagles catch no flies.
63. First catch your hare, then cook it.
64. He thinks to catch shell-fish in the trees.
65. He who hunts two hares at once, catches neither.
66. He who would catch a rogue must watch behind the door.
67. I am not here to catch flies.
68. It is hard to catch hares with unwilling hounds.
69. It is ill catching hares with drums.
70. It's hard to catch hawks with empty hands.
71. Nothing is haste but catching flies.
72. Old foxes are hard to catch.
73. Tall trees catch much wind.
74. Who watches not catches not.
75. Whoso hunteth with cats will catch nothing but rats.
76. You never know how a cow catches a rabbit.
77. A hook is weel tint to catch a salmon.
78. Eagles catches nae fleas.
79. To frighten a bird is not the way to catch it.
80. Set a knave to catch a knave.
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