268 Proverbs about Care / Page 5
81. Take care you don't let your tail be caught in the door.
82. When the fox preaches, take care of yourselves, hens.
83. When the sun shines on thee, thou needest not care for the moon.
84. Without debt without care.
85. A wise man cares not for that which he cannot have.
86. A cross-grained woman and a snappish dog take care of the house.
87. A full vessel must be carried carefully.
88. An old wolf is not scared by loud cries.
89. Better a friend's bite than an enemy's caress.
90. Care, and not fine stables, make a good horse.
91. Children are certain cares, but uncertain comforts.
92. He must be ill-favoured who scares the devil.
93. He must cry aloud who would scare the devil.
94. He who is scared by words, has no heart for deeds.
95. Love's plant must be watered with tears, and tended with care.
96. Riches breed care, poverty is safe.
97. Take care of your geese when the fox preaches.
98. The more shepherds the less care.
99. When the word is in the mouth you must caress the sheath.
100. Better a bite from a friend than a caress from an enemy.
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