320 Proverbs about Break / Page 7
121. Gifts break rocks.
122. He who lives in hopes, breakfasts ill and sups worse.
123. He who stumbles twice over one stone deserves to break his shins.
124. If the eyes don't see, the heart won't break.
125. If you eat it up at supper, you cannot have it for breakfast.
126. It is not the fine, but the coarse and ill-spun that breaks.
127. No wonder if he breaks his head who stumbles twice over one stone.
128. The bow that is always bent slackens or breaks.
129. The thread breaks where it is thinnest.
130. Too much breaks the bag.
131. You can't make pancakes without breaking eggs.
132. Everything passes; everything wears out; everything breaks.
133. Everything passes, everything wears out, everything breaks.
134. Better bend than break.
135. A colt is good for nothing if it does not break its halter.
136. A colt you may break, but an old horse you never can.
137. A man may bear till his back breaks.
138. A person is unlucky who falls on his back and breaks his nose.
139. A silver hammer breaks an iron door.
140. He falls on his back and breaks his nose.
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