World Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

176 Proverbs about Black

1. Black cows give white milk.. German Proverb. Black cows give white milk.
German Proverb

2. He who blackens others does not whiten himself.. German Proverb. He who blackens others does not whiten himself.
German Proverb

3. One cannot wash a blackamoor white.. German Proverb. One cannot wash a blackamoor white.
German Proverb

4. The devil is never so black as he is painted.. German Proverb. The devil is never so black as he is painted.
German Proverb

5. When a dove begins to associate with crows its feathers remain white but its heart grows black.. German Proverb. When a dove begins to associate with crows its feathers remain white but its heart grows black.
German Proverb

6. When a dove begins to fly with crows, its feathers remain white but its heart grows black.. German Proverb. When a dove begins to fly with crows, its feathers remain white but its heart grows black.
German Proverb

7. Only lawyers and painters can turn white to black.. Japanese Proverb. Only lawyers and painters can turn white to black.
Japanese Proverb

8. He who stays near vermilion gets stained red; he who stays near ink gets stained black.. Chinese Proverb. He who stays near vermilion gets stained red; he who stays near ink gets stained black.
Chinese Proverb

9. A whitewashed crow soon shows black again.. Chinese Proverb. A whitewashed crow soon shows black again.
Chinese Proverb

10. Crows everywhere are equally black.. Chinese Proverb. Crows everywhere are equally black.
Chinese Proverb

11. In every family's cooking pot is one black spot.. Chinese Proverb. In every family's cooking pot is one black spot.
Chinese Proverb

12. The black dog gets the food; the white dog gets the blame.. Chinese Proverb. The black dog gets the food; the white dog gets the blame.
Chinese Proverb

13. It is difficult to catch a black cat in a dark room -- especially if the cat isn't there.. Chinese Proverb. It is difficult to catch a black cat in a dark room -- especially if the cat isn't there.
Chinese Proverb

14. The blacksmith's horse has no horseshoes.. Czech Proverb. The blacksmith's horse has no horseshoes.
Czech Proverb

15. Put your hand in your conscience and see if it does not come out as black as pitch.. Dutch Proverb. Put your hand in your conscience and see if it does not come out as black as pitch.
Dutch Proverb

16. Beware of a white Spaniard and a black Englishman.. Dutch Proverb. Beware of a white Spaniard and a black Englishman.
Dutch Proverb

17. Black hens lays white eggs.. Dutch Proverb. Black hens lays white eggs.
Dutch Proverb

18. Black will take no other hue.. Dutch Proverb. Black will take no other hue.
Dutch Proverb

19. The devil is not so black as he is painted.. Dutch Proverb. The devil is not so black as he is painted.
Dutch Proverb

20. The pot upbraids the kettle that it is black.. Dutch Proverb. The pot upbraids the kettle that it is black.
Dutch Proverb

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