World Proverbs

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1629 Proverbs about Better / Page 56

1101. It is better to be right than in the majority.. American Proverb. It is better to be right than in the majority.
American Proverb

1102. It is better to die young at home than to die old in a hospital.. American Proverb. It is better to die young at home than to die old in a hospital.
American Proverb

1103. It is better to keep a wolf out of the fold than to trust drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered.. American Proverb. It is better to keep a wolf out of the fold than to trust drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered.
American Proverb

1104. It is better to pay and have a little left than to have much and be always in debt.. American Proverb. It is better to pay and have a little left than to have much and be always in debt.
American Proverb

1105. It is better to sit with a wise man in prison than with a fool in paradise.. American Proverb. It is better to sit with a wise man in prison than with a fool in paradise.
American Proverb

1106. It's better to be a big frog in a little pond than a little frog in a big pond.. American Proverb. It's better to be a big frog in a little pond than a little frog in a big pond.
American Proverb

1107. Keeping from falling is better than helping up.. American Proverb. Keeping from falling is better than helping up.
American Proverb

1108. Old brag is a good dog, but hold fast is better.. American Proverb. Old brag is a good dog, but hold fast is better.
American Proverb

1109. One eyewitness could be better than ten hearsays.. American Proverb. One eyewitness could be better than ten hearsays.
American Proverb

1110. Our bread today is better than a hundred in the air.. American Proverb. Our bread today is better than a hundred in the air.
American Proverb

1111. Poverty with security is better than plenty in the midst of fear and uncertainty.. American Proverb. Poverty with security is better than plenty in the midst of fear and uncertainty.
American Proverb

1112. The better the day, the better the deed.. American Proverb. The better the day, the better the deed.
American Proverb

1113. The truth is better than a lie.. American Proverb. The truth is better than a lie.
American Proverb

1114. Two eyes can see better than one.. American Proverb. Two eyes can see better than one.
American Proverb

1115. We must take the bitter with the better.. American Proverb. We must take the bitter with the better.
American Proverb

1116. Better no doctor at all than three.. Polish Proverb. Better no doctor at all than three.
Polish Proverb

1117. Two heads are better than one or When two,not one.. Polish Proverb. Two heads are better than one or When two,not one.
Polish Proverb

1118. Better late than never.. Polish Proverb. Better late than never.
Polish Proverb

1119. Better is one lady than 4 widows.. Polish Proverb. Better is one lady than 4 widows.
Polish Proverb

1120. A sparrow in your hand is better than a pigeon on the roof.. Polish Proverb. A sparrow in your hand is better than a pigeon on the roof.
Polish Proverb

1629 Proverbs, Page 56 of 82
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