239 Proverbs about Because / Page 4
61. The tooth is a fool because it smiles to whom it even dislikes.
62. When a tortoise embarks on a journey he doesn't ask for directions, because he does not want his enemies to know where he's going.
63. When two ageing good friends fight, it's because of an old grouch.
64. You cannot reject the head of a cow simply because the eye scares you.
65. You cannot stop planting cereals just because birds are going to feast on them.
66. Every one thinks himself without sin because he has not those of others.
67. Starlings are lean because they go in flocks.
68. The devil is bad because he is old.
69. The fox advised the others to cut off their tails, because he had left his own in the trap.
70. He that refuseth praise the first time does it because he would have it the second.
71. Don't even take a bath with fools, because they'll throw away the soap.
72. Because of a period, Martin lost his post.
73. Don't stop sowing just because the birds ate a few seeds.
74. The air is no less blue because the blind man doesn't see it.
75. A head is not to be cut off because it is scabby.
76. A man is not a lord because he feeds off fine dishes.
77. An honest man is not the worse because a dog barks at him.
78. Few women turn grey because their husband dies.
79. No man limps because another is hurt.
80. One man is not bad because another is good.
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