428 Proverbs about Back / Page 12
221. Don't approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back or a fool from any side.
222. If someone throws stones at you, throw back bread.
223. One chops the wood, and the other shouts "Oh, my back!"
224. The schlemiel lands on his back and bruises his nose.
225. What is loaned will go away smiling and come back crying.
226. A prudent man will read the letter from back to front.
227. Gold that is lent goes away laughing and comes back in tears.
228. No matter how far down a wrong road you are, turn back.
229. No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back.
230. The one who enters the Turkish bath must never turn his back on a Greek.
231. It was needed as a Slovak glazier needed falling on his back.
232. I wish to see him when I see the middle of my back.
233. If a stone was thrown at you, throw back some bread in return.
234. The common horse has scars on his back.
235. An arrow once shot is hard to get back.
236. This is but a hump on our backs.
237. If you would make an enemy, lend a man money, and ask for it back again.
238. In a dangerous river, the alligators swim backstroke.
239. Be aware of the idiot, for he is like an old dress. Every time you patch it, the wind will tear it back again.
240. The best place in the world is on the back of a horse, and the best thing to do in time is to read a book.
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