507 Proverbs about Away / Page 7
121. If an insect as ever bit you when you see it, you kill it or run away.
122. If you see an animal running in the early morning know that it is running away from something more scarily than the due.
123. Money is like the waters of a sailing river it flows away.
124. The best way to catch a bird is not by scaring it away.
125. The fox must be chased away first after that the hen might be warned against wandering into the bush.
126. The one chased away with a stick comes back and the one chassed away with reason doesn't come back.
127. The one who hasn't strength to pound yams pretends to drive away flies from the yams.
128. The visitor who goes away without eating never comes back.
129. What never kills a herdsman never takes away his cattle.
130. What we get takes away our troubles.
131. When you see a rat running in a fire then what it's running away from is hotter than fire.
132. Where there is a frog, the snake is not far away.
133. Why take away something by force which you can obtain by love.
134. You can stay a thousand miles away from home and still see inside.
135. You cannot beat a child to take away its tears.
136. Your feet will take you away from home but your stomach will bring you back.
137. Do not follow a person who is running away.
138. Drop by drop wears away the stone.
139. Absence is a foe to love; away from the eyes, away from the heart.
140. The devil turns away from a closed door.
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