507 Proverbs about Away / Page 23
441. Mint flower: the more you say "go away", the closer it comes.
442. Not behaving and not organizing are as good as throwing yourself away.
443. A friend will wipe away sweat but not blood.
444. Go away and the conversation changes.
445. He can see a louse as far away as China but is not aware of an elephant on his nose.
446. Kick away the ladder and your feet are left dangling.
447. Who cleans up the dirt washes away happiness.
448. A useless watch dog barks but stays far away.
449. When the cat's away the mice will play.
450. Who seizes too much with his own hand, will have everything slip away and will hold nothing.
451. Don't let yourself get far away from your jackasses, women, and oxen.
452. Don't give away what you need for yourself.
453. If you engage in a business you don't understand, your money will fly away.
454. Avoid doctors and always keep them far away.
455. Earnings far away get spent along the way.
456. The promises of love and the smoke of a chimney, washed by water and blown away by the wind.
457. A stone that gathers no moss will be washed away by the river.
458. Inexperienced young men are better off not marrying: Stay away from women! you'll be better off.
459. The Church never gives anything away.
460. How much is prestige worth, not as much as Palermo, if you take away the saints.
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