43 Proverbs about Auld / Page 2
21. Every man's tale is good till anither's be tauld.
22. His auld brass will buy a new pan.
23. It is a' tint that is done to auld folk and bairns.
24. Nae fool to an auld fool.
25. There is an end of an auld sang.
26. Ye'll never be sae auld with sae mickle honesty.
27. Young folk may die, but auld folk maun die.
28. Young ducks may be auld geese.
29. Auld folk are twice bairns.
30. Auld springs gie me price.
31. Best to be aff wi the auld love afore we be on wi the new.
32. Greed is envy's auldest brither: scraggy wark they mak thegither.
33. Hang a thief when he's young, an he'll no steal when he's auld.
34. It's a cauld stamach that naething hets on.
35. Langest at the fire soonest finds cauld
36. Ne'er lippen ower muckle to a new friend or an auld enemy.
37. Spare when ye're young, and spend when ye're auld.
38. Them that likesna water brose will scunner at cauld steerie.
39. There's nae fules like auld fules.
40. Wonder at your auld shoon when ye hae gotten your new.
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