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372 Proverbs about Ants / Page 4

61. There are no better masters than poverty and wants.. Dutch Proverb. There are no better masters than poverty and wants.
Dutch Proverb

62. A's but lip-wit that wants experience.. Scottish Proverb. A's but lip-wit that wants experience.
Scottish Proverb

63. Fire an servants but ill maisters.. Scottish Proverb. Fire an servants but ill maisters.
Scottish Proverb

64. Fire and water are gude servants but ill maisters.. Scottish Proverb. Fire and water are gude servants but ill maisters.
Scottish Proverb

65. He that wants content canna sit easy in his chair.. Scottish Proverb. He that wants content canna sit easy in his chair.
Scottish Proverb

66. He's free o' fruit that wants an orchard.. Scottish Proverb. He's free o' fruit that wants an orchard.
Scottish Proverb

67. Quick returns mak rich merchants.. Scottish Proverb. Quick returns mak rich merchants.
Scottish Proverb

68. Short rents mak careless tenants.. Scottish Proverb. Short rents mak careless tenants.
Scottish Proverb

69. Eating and drinking wants but a beginning.. Scottish Proverb. Eating and drinking wants but a beginning.
Scottish Proverb

70. Fire and water are good servants but bad masters.. Scottish Proverb. Fire and water are good servants but bad masters.
Scottish Proverb

71. He that gets forgets, but he that wants thinks on't.. Scottish Proverb. He that gets forgets, but he that wants thinks on't.
Scottish Proverb

72. Quick returns make rich merchants.. Scottish Proverb. Quick returns make rich merchants.
Scottish Proverb

73. A wise man carries his cloak in fair weather, an' a fool wants his in rain.. Scottish Proverb. A wise man carries his cloak in fair weather, an' a fool wants his in rain.
Scottish Proverb

74. The perch has a good time, it drinks when it wants to.. Swedish Proverb. The perch has a good time, it drinks when it wants to.
Swedish Proverb

75. Who wants to have something good, will have to seek it where it is.. Swedish Proverb. Who wants to have something good, will have to seek it where it is.
Swedish Proverb

76. A picture is worth a thousand words, and yet picture books are for infants.. English Proverb. A picture is worth a thousand words, and yet picture books are for infants.
English Proverb

77. You can't milk a cow with your hands in your pants.. English Proverb. You can't milk a cow with your hands in your pants.
English Proverb

78. He that plants trees loves others besides himself.. English Proverb. He that plants trees loves others besides himself.
English Proverb

79. He that gets forgets, but he that wants thinks on.. English Proverb. He that gets forgets, but he that wants thinks on.
English Proverb

80. If the brain sows not corn, it plants thistles.. English Proverb. If the brain sows not corn, it plants thistles.
English Proverb

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