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369 Proverbs about Anger / Page 15

281. Postpone today's anger until tomorrow.. Filipino Proverb. Postpone today's anger until tomorrow.
Filipino Proverb

282. A person who is outwardly calm has anger raging inside.. Filipino Proverb. A person who is outwardly calm has anger raging inside.
Filipino Proverb

283. He who restrains his anger overcomes his greatest enemy.. Roman Proverb. He who restrains his anger overcomes his greatest enemy.
Roman Proverb

284. Anger is a short madness.. Romanian Proverb. Anger is a short madness.
Romanian Proverb

285. Foolish fear doubleth danger.. Romanian Proverb. Foolish fear doubleth danger.
Romanian Proverb

286. The danger past and God forgotten.. Romanian Proverb. The danger past and God forgotten.
Romanian Proverb

287. Never let the sun go down on your anger.. Romanian Proverb. Never let the sun go down on your anger.
Romanian Proverb

288. The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf.. Romanian Proverb. The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf.
Romanian Proverb

289. Anger cannot stand without a strong hand.. Romanian Proverb. Anger cannot stand without a strong hand.
Romanian Proverb

290. The post of honour is the post of danger.. Romanian Proverb. The post of honour is the post of danger.
Romanian Proverb

291. He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it.. Romanian Proverb. He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it.
Romanian Proverb

292. It is a dangerous fire that begins in the bed straw.. Romanian Proverb. It is a dangerous fire that begins in the bed straw.
Romanian Proverb

293. He that runs into danger must expect to perish therein.. Romanian Proverb. He that runs into danger must expect to perish therein.
Romanian Proverb

294. Kill your anger while it is small.. Slovak Proverb. Kill your anger while it is small.
Slovak Proverb

295. Anger is the only thing to put off till tomorrow.. Slovak Proverb. Anger is the only thing to put off till tomorrow.
Slovak Proverb

296. The most dangerous thing a man needs is woman.. Somali Proverb. The most dangerous thing a man needs is woman.
Somali Proverb

297. Drunkards know no danger.. Ukrainian Proverb. Drunkards know no danger.
Ukrainian Proverb

298. Even if a mountain is high, there is always a way to reach the top -- and although the way might be full of danger, there is always a way for someone to get through it.. Vietnamese Proverb. Even if a mountain is high, there is always a way to reach the top -- and although the way might be full of danger, there is always a way for someone to get through it.
Vietnamese Proverb

299. Pity the stranger, even if he is rich.. Yemeni Proverb. Pity the stranger, even if he is rich.
Yemeni Proverb

300. To get rid of anger, first weed out the bitter roots.. Zambian Proverb. To get rid of anger, first weed out the bitter roots.
Zambian Proverb

369 Proverbs, Page 15 of 19
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